Mike Linksvayer
Selected Entanglements ...
... And Recommendations ...
Blogs: Adida Ben, Burton Kevin, Cohen Bram, Finnern Mark, Gonze Lucas, Haughey Matt, Karr Chris, Kaye Robert, Lessig Larry, Linksvayer Mike, Marks Kevin, Mohr Gordon, Rasch Chris, Sherwood Anton, Slater Derek, Swartz Aaron, Yergler Nathan
Film: Ashes and Embers, The Designated Mourner, Himatsuri (Fire Festival), Le Milieu du Monde (The Middle of the Earth), A Patch of Blue, The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb
Food: Garlic, anything vegan and spicy, calorie restriction
Politics: End the War on (Some) Drugs
Radio: Noncommercial, preferably community, like WEFT
Software: free software, Debian GNU/Linux, Mozilla, OpenOffice, SpamAssassin
Sounds: Dog Faced Hermans, Joe Frank, L. Subramaniam, Iannis Xenakis
linksvayer OR mlinksva
The Web, according to Google, All The Web, Teoma
Usenet, according to Google
Slashdot, Kuro5hin, InfoAnarchy, MetaFilter
Linksvayer Michael R, Linksvayer Michael Robert, Linksvayer Mike, m-linksvayer, ml, mlinksva, mlinksvayer, mrl08033, m rl28033, mlink689, Michael Linksvayer, Michael R Linksvayer, Michael Robert Linksvayer, MikeLinksvayer
Linksvajer, Linksfajer