Nearly all of the feedback I received was positive. A number people complained about the layout, which used large fonts and sometimes garish backgrounds, and was a compromise between on-screen readability and a format that attempted to replicate paper. A few people even suggested I use HTML.
Overall, I was proud of the first issue and pleased with the response from both readers and advertisers.
I've made the first issue of Meta available again in the formats it was originally released in, plus PDF.
Advertisers included Luminous Software (defunct), the Multimedia & Video Center, SoftLock Services, InfoMagic, ClarkNet, Trans-Ameritech, and the Hawthorne Exchange (sold and in hibernation).
For various unworthy reasons I did not publish another presentable issue of Meta. In January of 1994 I played with converting Meta to a dynamic, issue-less HTML format. Around March, July, and August I put small HTML issues called "v2n1", "number 10", and "number 11" respectively in my netcom ftp directory, although I never widely announced any of these.
I may make these "issues" available at some point in the future, and I occasionally toy with the idea of bringing Meta back in some form. See here.
In any case, enjoy, and feel free to send praise, flames, and anything else, preferably constructive.
Mike Linksvayer 1995.03.21, revised 1995.04.01