Only one of each, according to me, highly subjective:
Technology: Danny Ayers’ Raw provides one stop for very well done semantic web (and nearby) news and analysis, written at a level perfect for me. He also frequently references intriguing international sources—last week, a detailed Polish article ended with a subtle zobacz wi?cej, linking directly to Ayers’ blog, blending seamlessly into my reading flow. Ayers consistently has a knack for posting about obscure (to me) topics I’ve wondered about recently, or will soon, most recently about accounting for whether something is known.
Policy: Ronnie Horesh doesn’t post all that often and his Social Policy Bonds Blog is mostly about one topic. Regardless of what you think of his proposed implementation, Horesh’s mantra, that policies should be subordinated to outcomes, is so simple, obvious, and rarely followed, that it needs to be heard around the world. Here’s to a great new year.
Ideas: Brad Templeton posts (mostly good) Brad Ideas. Many are moderately ambitious, few are crazy. Executives with more ambition than imagination (especially airline executives), please read Templeton’s blog. The most recent Brad Idea, that crash avoidance technology could be financially justified by lower insurance rates, is less concrete than most.
Sorry, no recommendations for celebrity gossip, sex, photo, conspiracy, spam/seo/marketing, or war blogs.
Thanks for the heads-up to the “Brad Ideas” blog and the “Social Policy Bonds” blog.
(I’m not impressed at all by your technology blog choice.)
Happy New Year!
Chris. F. Masse
Thanks Mike, I’m speechless ;-)
Chris – there are cat photos too…
Danny, you’re a great blogger for geeks like Mike Linksvayer, certainly, but for normal people like me, you’re a bit too… arcane.
Sorry to be such a pest, but that’s my trademark.
Thanks Mike!
Sorry Chris, I don’t cater to any audience here. That may mean noboby other than myself finds the majority of my posts (and here, recommendations) interesting. I suppose I could increase my audience by splitting off multiple blogs for different topics, but I’m obstinate, lazy, and stupid, in about that order. Hats off to people who pull it off.
Merry new year!