Post P2P

Redefining light and dark

Monday, November 28th, 2005

The wily Lucas Gonze is at it again, defining ‘lightnet’ and ‘darknet’ by example, without explanation. The explanation is so simple that it probably only subtracts from Gonze’s [re]definition, but I’ll play the fool anyhow.

Usually darknet refers to (largely unstoppable) friend-to-friend information sharing. As the name implies, a darknet is underground, or at least under the radar of those who want to prohibit certain kinds of information sharing. (A BlackNet doesn’t require friends and the radar doesn’t work, to horribly abuse that analogy.)

Lightnet, as far as I know, is undefined in this context.*

Anyway, Lucas’ definition-by-example lumps prohibited sharing (friend to friend as well as over filesharing networks) and together as Darknet. Such content is dark to the web. It can’t be linked to, or if it can be, the link will be to a name,** not a location, thus you may not be able to obtain the content (filesharing), or you won’t be able to view the content (DRM).

Lightnet contnet is light to the web. It can be linked to, retrieved, and viewed in the ways you expect (and by extension, searched for in the way you expect), no law breaking or bad law making required.

* Ross Mayfield called iTunes a lightnet back in 2003. Lucas includes iTunes on the dark side. I agree with Lucas’ categorization, though Ross had a good point, and in a slightly different way was contrasting iTunes with both darknets and hidebound content owners.

** Among other things, I like to think of magnet links and as attempting to bridge the gap between the web and otherwise shared content. Obviously that work is unfinished. As is making multimedia work on the web. I think that’s the last time I linked to Lucas Gonze, but he’s had plently of crafty posts between then and now that I highly recommend following.


Monday, August 1st, 2005

The Electronic Frontient Foundation is 15 and wants “to hear about your ‘click moment’–the very first step you took to stand up for your digital rights.

I don’t remember. It musn’t have been a figurative “click moment.” Probably not a literal “click moment” either–I doubt I used a mouse.

A frequent theme of other EFF15 posts seems to be “how I become a copyfighter” or “how I became a digital freedom activist.” I’ve done embarrassingly little (the occasional letter to a government officeholder, Sklyarov protests, the odd mailing list or blog post, running non-infringing P2P nodes, a more often lapsed than not EFF membership), but that’s the tack I’ll take here.

As a free speech absolutist I’ve always found the concept of “digital rights” superfluous. Though knowledge of computers may have helped me understand “the issues,” I needed none to oppose crypto export laws, the clipper chip, CDA, DMCA, perpetual copyright extension and the like. Still, I hold “ditigal rights,” for lack of a better term, near and dear. So how I became a copyfighter of sorts: four “click themes,” one with a “click moment.” All coalesced around 1988-1992, happily matching my college years, which otherwise were a complete waste of time.

First, earliest, and most important, I’d had an ear for “experimental” music since before college. At college I scheduled and skipped classes and missed sleep around WEFT schedule. Nothing was better than great music, and from my perspective, big record companies provided none of it. There was and is more mind-blowingly escastic music made for peanuts than I could hope to experience in many lifetimes. I didn’t have the terms just yet, but it was intuitively obvious that there was no public goods provisioning problem for art, at least not for anything I appreciated, while there was a massive oversupply of abominable anti-art.

Second, somewhere between reading libertarian tracts and studying economics, I hit upon the idea that “intellectual property” may be neither. Those are likely sources anyway–I don’t remember where I first came across the idea. I kept an eye out for confirmation and somewhere, also forgotten, I found a reference to Tom Palmer‘s Intellectual Property: A Non-Posnerian Law and Economics Approach. Finding and reading the article, which describes intellectual property as a state-granted monopoly privilege developed through rent seeking by publishers and non-monopoly means of producing intangible goods, at my university’s law library was my “click moment.”

Third, I saw great promise in the nascent free software movement, and I wanted to run UNIX on my computer. I awaited 386BSD with baited breath and remember when Torvalds announced Linux on Usenet. I prematurely predicted world domination a few times, but regardless, free software was and is the most concrete, compelling and hopeful sign that large scale non-monopoly production of non-rivalrous goods is possible and good, and that the net facilitates such production, and that freedom on the net and free software together render each other more useful, imporant, and defensible.

Fourth, last, and least important, I followed the cypherpunks list for some time, where the ideas of crypto anarchy and BlackNet were developed. In the ten years or so since the net has not turned inside out nor overturned governments and corporations, yet we are very early in its history. Cypherpunk outcomes may remain vaporware indefinitely, but nonetheless are evocative of the transformational potential of the net. I do not know what ends will occur, but I’ll gladly place my bets on, and defend, the means of freedom and decentralization rather than control and protectionism.

The EFF has done an immense amount of great work over the past 15 years. You should join, and I will update my membership. However, my very favorite thing about the EFF is indirect–I’ve seen co-founder and board member John Gilmore at both drug war and DMCA protests. If you care about digital rights or any rights at all and do not understand descruction of individuals, rights, and societies wreaked by the drug war, there’s no time like the present to learn–the first step needed in order to stand up for your rights.

Blog-a-thon tag:


Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005

This music had every cell and fiber in my body on heavy sizzle mode.

Thurston Moore on mixtapes, could be describing me listening to early Sonic Youth or one of my many ecstasy-inducing 120 minute cassettes that I’m mostly afraid to touch, really need to digitize. Yes, Moore relates it all to MP3, P2P, etc., sounding like he’s from the EFF:

Once again, we’re being told that home taping (in the form of ripping and burning) is killing music. But it’s not: It simply exists as a nod to the true love and ego involved in sharing music with friends and lovers. Trying to control music sharing – by shutting down P2P sites or MP3 blogs or BitTorrent or whatever other technology comes along – is like trying to control an affair of the heart. Nothing will stop it.

[Via Lucas Gonze.]

I’d like little more right now than to have Sonic Youth or one of Moore’s many avant projects to release some crack under a Creative Commons license. Had they already you could maybe find it via the just released Yahoo! Search for Creative Commons. (How’s that for a lame segue?)

Open Source P2P: No Malware, EULA

Wednesday, March 9th, 2005

Ben Edelmen asks what P2P programs install what spyware and answers with a Comparison of Unwanted Software Installed by P2P Programs. Of the five programs analyzed, four (eDonkey, iMesh, Kazaa, and Morpheus) install malware or even more malware and come with voluminous End User License Agreements. LimeWire installs no additional software and has no EULA.

The comparison currently doesn’t note that only one of the five programs is open source: LimeWire. Note that LimeWire, like the others, is produced by a company that pays developers, so being commercial is no excuse for the others.

What about other open source P2P applications? I installed the current versions of BitTorrent, eMule, Phex, and Shareaza. No bundled software. BitTorrent has no installation interface to speak of, and no EULA. The others ask the user to agree to the GNU General Public License, which concerns freedoms associated with the program source code, not obtaining permission for the program to do whatever it wants with the user’s computer and data.

Each of the open source programs (excepting BitTorrent, which is a different kind of P2P app) has the same features as the proprietary P2P apps listed above. All of the open source programs lack the spyware anti-features of their proprietary equivalents.

Notice a trend?

If you want to keep control of your computer and your data, stick to open source. The threat is very real. I’ve seen friends’ computers (particularly those used by teenagers) with proprietary P2P programs that had dozens of distinct malware programs installed and were completely unusable (browsing porn sites with Internet Exploder, which teens are apparently really keen on doing, doesn’t help either; get FireFox already).

[Via Boing Boing.]


Saturday, March 5th, 2005

Here you’ll find a little PHP API that wraps the single file metadata extraction feature of Bitzi’s bitcollider tool. Bitcollider also can submit file metadata to Bitzi. This PHP API doesn’t provide access to the submission feature.

Other possibly useful code provided with Bitcollider-PHP:

  • function hex_to_base_32($hex) converts hexidecimal input to Base32.
  • function magnetlink($sha1, $filename, $fileurl, $treetiger, $kzhash) returns a MAGNET link for the provided input.
  • magnetlink.php [file ...] is a command line utility that outputs MAGNET links for the files specified, using the bitcollider if available (if not kzhash and tree:tiger are not included in MAGNET links).

Versions of this code are deployed on a few sites in service of producing MAGNET links or urn:sha1: identifiers for RDF along these lines, both in the case of CC Mixter.

Criticism welcome.

CodeCon Sunday

Tuesday, February 15th, 2005

I say CodeCon was 3/4 (one abstention) on Sunday.

Wheat. An environment (including a language) for developing web applications. Objects are arranged in a tree with some filesystem-like semantics. Every object has a URL (not necessarily in a public portion of the tree). Wheat‘s web object publishing model and templating seem clearly reminiscent of Zope. In response to the first of several mostly redundant questions regarding Wheat and Zope, Mark Lentczner said that he used Zope a few years ago and was discouraged by the need to use external scripts and the lack of model-view separation in templates (I suspect Mark used DTML — Wheat’s TinyTemplates reminded me of DTML’s replacement, Zope Page Templates, currently my favorite and implemented in several languages). I’m not sure Wheat is an environment I’d like to develop in, but I suspect the world might learn something from pure implementations of URL-object identity (not just mapping) and a web domain specific language/environment (I understand that Wheat has no non-web interface). Much of the talk used these slides.

Incoherence. I find it hard to believe that nobody has done exactly this audio visualization method before (x = left/right, y = frequency, point intensity and size = volume), but as an audio-ignoramous I’ll take the Incoherence team’s word. I second Wes Felter’s take: “I learned more about stereo during that talk than in the rest of my life.”

i-Brokers. This is where XNS landed and where it might go. However, the presentation barely mentioned technology and left far more questions than answers. There was talk of Zooko’s Triangle (“Names: Decentralized, Secure, Human-Memorizable: Choose Two”). 2idi and idcommons seem to have chosen the last two, temporarily. It isn’t clear to me why they brought it up, as i-names will be semi-decentralized (like DNS). In theory i-names provide privacy (you provide only your i-name to an i-name enabled site, always logging in via your i-broker, and access to your data is provided through your i-broker — never enter your password or credit card anywhere else — you set the policies for who can access your data) and persistence (keep an i-name for life, and i-names may be transparently aliased or gatewayed should you obtain others). These benefits, if they exist in the future, are subtler than the claims. Having sites access your data via a broker rather than via you typing it in does little to protect your privacy by itself. You make a decision in both cases whether you want a site to have your credit card number. Once the site has your credit card… Possibly over the long term if lots of people and sites adopt i-names sites will collect or keep less personal information. Users, via their i-brokers, may be on more equal terms with sites, as i-broker access will presumably be governed by some you-have-no-rights-at-all terms of service. Some sites may decide (for new applications) they don’t want to have to worry about the security of customer information and access the same via customers’ i-names. However, once a user has provided their i-broker with lots of personal information, it becomes easy for sites to ask for it all. Persistence is also behavioral. Domain names and URLs can last a long time; good ones don’t change. Similarly an i-name will go away if the owner stops paying for it. Can the i-name ecology be structured so that i-names tend to be longer lived than domain names or URLs? Probably, but that’s a different story. In the short term 2idi is attempting to get adoption in the convention registration market. Good luck, but I wish Fen and Victor had spent their time talking about XRI resolution or other code behind the 2idi broker.

SciTools. A collection of free to use web applications for genetic design and analysis. Integrated DNA Technologies, the company that offers SciTools, makes its money selling (physical) synthesized nucleic acids. I was a cold, tired, bio-ignoramous, so have little clue whether this is novel. (Ted Leung seems to think so and also has interesting things to say about the other presentations.)

OzymanDNS. DNS can route and move data, is deployed and not filtered everywhere, so with a little cleverness we can tunnel arbitrary streams over DNS. Dan Kaminsky is clearly the crowd pleaser, not only for his showmanship and the audacity of his hacks (streaming anime over DNS this time). More than a few in the crowd wanted to put DNS hacks to work, e.g., on aspects of supposed syndication problems. PPT slides of an older version of the talk.


CodeCon Saturday

Sunday, February 13th, 2005

CodeCon is 5/5 today.

The Ultra Gleeper. A personal web page recommendation system. Promise of collaborative filtering unfulfilled, in dark ages since Firefly was acquired and shut down in the mid-90s. Presenter believes we’re about to experience a renaissance in recommendation systems, citing Audiocrobbler recommendations (I would link to mine, but personal recommendations seem to have disappeared since last time I looked; my audioscrobbler page) as a useful example (I have found no automated music recommendation system useful) and blogs as a use case for recommendations (I have far too much very high quality manually discovered reading material, including blogs, to desire automated recommendations for more and I don’t see collaborative filtering as a useful means of prioritizing my lists). The Ultra Gleeper crawls pages you link to, treating links as positive ratings, pages that link to you (via Technorati CosmosQuery and Google API), presents suggested pages to rate in a web interface. Uses a number of tricks to avoid showing obvious recommendations (does not recommend pages that are two popular) and pages you’ve already seen (including those linked to in feeds you subscribe to). Some problems faced by typical recommendation systems (new users get crummy recommendations until they enter lots of data, early adopters get doubly crummy recommendations due to lack of existing data to correlate with) obviated by bootstrapping from data in your posts and subscriptions. I suppose if lots of people run something like Gleeper robot traffic increases, more people complain about syndication bandwidth-like problems (I’m skeptical about this being a major problem). I don’t see lots of people running Gleepers as automated recommendation systems are still fairly useless and will remain so for a long time. Interesting software and presentation nonetheless.

H2O. Primarily a discussion system tuned to facilitate professor-assigned discussions. Posts may be embargoed and professor may assign course participants specific messages or other participants to respond to. Discussions may include participants from multiple courses, e.g., to facilitate a MIT engineering-Harvard law exchange. Anyone may register at H2O and create own group, acting as professor for created group. Some of the constraints that may be iposed by H2O are often raised in mailing list meta discussions following flame wars, in particular posting delays. I dislike web forums but may have to try H2O out. Another aspect of H2O is syllabus management and sharing, which is interesting largely because syllabi are typically well hidden. Professors in the same school of the same university may not be aware of what each other are teaching.

Jakarta Feedparser. Kevin Burton gave a good overview of syndication and related standards and the many challenges of dealing with feeds in the wild, which are broken in every conceivable way. Claims SAX (event) based Jakarta FeedParser is an order of magnitude faster than DOM (tree) based parsers. Nothing new to me, but very useful code.

MAPPR. Uses Flickr tags, GNS to divine geographic location of photos. REST web services modeled on Flickr’s own. Flash front end, which you could spend many hours playing with.

Photospace. Personal image annotation and search service, focus on geolocation. Functionality available as library, web fron end provided. Photospace publishes RDF which may be consumed by RDFMapper.

Note above two personal web applications that crawl or use services of other sites (The Ultra Gleeper is the stronger example of this). I bet we’ll see many more of increasing sophistication enabled by ready and easily deployable software infrastructure like Jakarta FeedParser, Lucene, SQLite and many others. A personal social networking application is an obvious candidate. Add in user hosted or controlled authentication (e.g., LID, perhaps idcommons) …


CodeCon Friday

Saturday, February 12th, 2005

CodeCon requires presenters to be active developers of the projects presented and projects must have demonstrably running code. There’s an emphasis on open source and decentralization. This generally makes for interesting presentations. Today was 4/5.

Aura. Case study in how not to give a CodeCon presentation. Talk for a long time about motivations for and very high level problems of reputation systems, which all attendees are surely familiar with. Give almost no specifics about Aura, apparently a peer-to-peer reputation system, including nothing on what differentiates it from other work nor on how or why I’d use it in my own code. Demo stumbles due to display problems, fails due to ill prepared data. One mostly irrelevant bit about Aura’s implementation: it uses SQLite, an embedded, zero configuration, endian neutral SQL database that many projects have started to use recently and tons more will in the near future. I’m certain that SQLite is in my future.

ArX. Very useful presentation on Walter Landry‘s ArX, which began as a fork of the GNU Arch distributed revision control system (both are pronounced ‘arc’). Lists good, bad and ugly of active open source, distributed revision control systems (I agree that any system that does not have those attributes is strictly non-interesting), including GNU Arch/tla, ArX, monotone (also uses SQLite), Darcs, svk, and Codeville. I’ve tried tla a few times but have gotten hung up on what seems to me like uncessary complexity and strange conventions. I’d pretty much settled on using Darcs going forward, but now I’m a little concerned by its reordering of patches in order to solve merge conflicts, which apparently can be very slow and may make the repository’s view of its state at a point in time inaccurate. Not sure whether this is pragmatic, evil, or both, nor am I sure I understand it. See also Zooko’s notes (Darcs row, decentralization column).

Apache CA. A certification authority motivated by the needs of the Apache Software Foundation, which has around 900 developers with commit access working on around 100 projects. Program managers can add committers, but small admin team needs to create shell accounts, add to various text files, creating bottleneck. Solution: all services (most importantly source control — migrate to subversion) eventually use SSL, check for permission based on group membership noted in personal certificates and managed via email by program managers. Sounds like a long term project. “Open CA” feature is an interesting extension — allows anyone who can sign an email with GPG to create groups in the form of Not sure what the ASF motivation is for Open CA, but I’m sure interesting applications can be built on it.

Off-the-Record Messaging. Messaging using the PGP model (sign with sender’s public key, encrypt with recipient’s public key) can be attacked: the “bad guys” can intercept and store your messages. In the future they can break into your computer, obtain your private key, decrypt your messages and prove that you are the author. Very briefly OTR obtains “perfect forward secrecy” through the use of short lived encryption keys and “refutable authentication” using shared MAC keys — compromise of your long term keys doesn’t allow your messages to be decrypted, and it can’t be proved that you wrote your messages. A toolkit for forging transcripts is even provided to enhance deniability. Details here. This presentation seems to match the one given at CodeCon. They have a GAIM plugin, which I’m now running, and a standalone proxy for other AIM clients. Cool stuff.

RPOW. Reusable Proofs of Work is a system for sequential reuse of hashcash mediated by a server written by the great signal-to-noise enhancer Hal Finney. RPOW has many potential uses — apparently initially motivated by a desire to implement “P2Poker” with interesting “chips” and currently being experimented with in a modified BitTorrent client in which downloaders can pay for priority wit RPOW tokens, possibly encouraging people to leave clients running after completing a download (serving as seeds in BT lingo) in order to earn tokens which may be spent on future downloads. As the BTRP page notes, people could acquire RPOWs out of band, and not contribute more upload bandwidth, or even contribute less. The net effect is hard to predict. If buying download priority with RPOWs proves useful, I expect non-BT filesharing clients, which have far less reason to cooperate, would benefit more than BT clients. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the RPOW system is its great effort to ensure that there can be no cheating, in particular by the server operator. The RPOW server will zero all data if it is physically tampered with, it is possible for anyone to verify the code it is running, and that code can verify that its database in its untrusted host has not been tampered with, using a Merkle hash tree to verify (the secure board only has two megabytes of memory). The RPOW server may be the world’s first transparent server, which could facilitate a world of distributed, cooperating RPOW servers. Presentation slides.


Shallow thinking about filesharing

Monday, February 7th, 2005

Tyler Cowen “cannot accept the radical anti-copyright position” and so proffers apologia for the radical intellectual protectionist position. (NB no anti-copyright position is being argued in MGM v. Grokster.) Regarding Cowen’s three arguments:

1. In ten year’s time, what will happen to the DVD and pay-for-view trades? BitTorrent allows people to download movies very quickly.

BitTorrent downloads tend to be faster than those on typical file sharing networks but still very slow. Netflix is a far superior option unless you place a very low value on your time (in addition to waiting many hours in the case of BitTorrent to weeks in the case of eDonkey for a download to complete you also need to spend time finding active torrents or hash links and dealing with low quality, mislabled and overdubbed copies, which often means starting over, even after you’ve learned how to deal with all of these. I pity the computer semi-literate who just wants to snag some “free” movies) .

Note that DVDs already account for more than half of Hollywood domestic revenue. Furthermore the process will be eased when TVs and computers can “talk” to each other more readily. Yes, I am familiar with Koleman Strumpf’s excellent work showing that illegal file-sharing has not hurt music sales. But a song download can be a loss leader for an entire CD or a concert tour. Downloading an entire movie does not prompt a person to spend money in comparable fashion.

Radical protectionists said made similar arguments about the VCR, as have those in countless businesses faced with new technology. In the case of the VCR, entrepreneurs figured out how to use the new technology to make billions. Similarly, it should be up to entrepreneurs to figure out how to thrive in the environment of ubiquitous networking, rather than up to lawmakers to ensure existing businesses survive technological change.

2. Perhaps we can make file-sharing services identify (and block) illegally traded files. After all, the listeners can find the illegal files and verify they have what they wanted. Grokster, sooner or later, will be able to do the same. Yes, fully decentralized and “foreign rogue” systems may proliferate, and any identification system will be imperfect. But this is one way to heed legitimate copyright suits without passing the notorious “Induce Act.”

Fully decentralized filesharing systems have proliferated. LimeWire is #2 at and several other decentralized filesharing clients make the top 50 downloads list.

The imperfections of an identification and blocking system will include invasion of privacy and censorship.

3. I question the almost universal disdain for the “Micky Mouse” copyright extension act. OK, lengthening the copyright extension does not provide much in the way of favorable incentives. Who innovates with the expectation of reaping copyright revenues seventy-five years from now? But this is a corporate rather than an individual issue. Furthermore economic research indicates that current cash flow is a very good predictor of investment. So the revenue in fact stimulates additional investment in creative outputs. If I had my finger on the button, I still would have pushed “no” on the Mickey Mouse extension, if only because of the rule of law. Privileges of this kind should not be extended repeatedly due to special interest pressures. But we are fooling ourselves if we deny that the extension will benefit artistic output, at least in the United States.

The paper Cowen links to above (Cash Flow and Outcomes: How the Availability of Cash Impacts the Likelihood of Investing Wisely) is hardly encouraging regarding the efficacy of additional investments correlated with increased cash flow.

Eric Rescorla points out that subsidizing organizations that happen to hold copyright to work created 70 years ago is hardly the best way to subsidize new content creation, should one wish to do that.

Deployment Matters

Thursday, December 30th, 2004

Most popular descriptions of why BitTorrent works so well are off the mark, The BitTorrent Effect in the current Wired Magazine included. Excerpts:

The problem with P2P file-sharing networks like Kazaa, he reasoned, is that uploading and downloading do not happen at equal speeds. Broadband providers allow their users to download at superfast rates, but let them upload only very slowly, creating a bottleneck: If two peers try to swap a compressed copy of Meet the Fokkers – say, 700 megs – the recipient will receive at a speedy 1.5 megs a second, but the sender will be uploading at maybe one-tenth of that rate.

Paradoxically, BitTorrent’s architecture means that the more popular the file is the faster it downloads – because more people are pitching in. Better yet, it’s a virtuous cycle. Users download and share at the same time; as soon as someone receives even a single piece of Fokkers, his computer immediately begins offering it to others. The more files you’re willing to share, the faster any individual torrent downloads to your computer. This prevents people from leeching, a classic P2P problem in which too many people download files and refuse to upload, creating a drain on the system. “Give and ye shall receive” became Cohen’s motto, which he printed on T-shirts and sold to supporters.

Sites like Kazaa and Morpheus are slow because they suffer from supply bottlenecks. Even if many users on the network have the same file, swapping is restricted to one uploader and downloader at a time.

Most home and many business broadband connections are asymmetric — the downstream pipe is much fatter than the upstream pipe. That’s a problem any net application that requires significant upstream bandwidth has to contend with. There is no protocol solution. A BitTorrent client can’t upload any faster than a Gnutella client.

Kazaa, eDonkey and various Gnutella clients (e.g., LimeWire) have incorporated multisource/swarming downloads for three years, and the latter two also use partial file sharing (I’m not sure about Kazaa and PFS). These two key features — download from multiple peers, and begin uploading parts of a file before you’ve completed downloading — don’t set BitTorrent apart, though it may be slightly ahead in pushing the state of the art (I haven’t examined the protocols side by side).

So why does BitTorrent work so well? Deployment.

Gnutella et al users start a client and typically download and share files in one or more local directories. All files a user has collected are shared simultaneously. A client connects to random peers and accepts random queries and requests to download any files the client is sharing. There are significant refinements, e.g., ultrapeers and supernodes.) Downloads will be spread across a huge number of files and peers downloading the same file won’t necessarily know about each other (and thus won’t be able to upload to each other while downloading). Again, there are significant refinements — Gnutella peers maintain a list of other peers sharing a given file — knows as an alternate location download mesh.

For BitTorrent such refinements are superfluous. A BitTorrent user finds a “torrent” for a file the user wants to download, a BitTorrent client is launched and connects to a tracker specified by the torrent. All clients connecting to a tracker via a single torrent are by definition all downloading the same file, and they know about each other — the ideal situation for swarming distribution. And here’s the key to BitTorrent’s success in spite of typically limited upload rates: Because users are sharing only one or a few files — the one(s) they’re downloading — their precious upstream bandwidth is used to enhance a virtuous cycle in which everyone downloading the same file downloads faster.

This ideal situation also allows BitTorrent to utilize tit-for-tat (PDF) leech resistance — “Give and ye shall receive” above. A typical filesharing client can’t effectively use this strategy as it is unlikely to have multiple interactions with the same peer, let alone simultaneous mutually beneficial interactions.

There are technologies (possibly Distributed Hash Tables), tweaks (a client giving preference to uploads of files the client has recently downloaded has been proposed) and practices (encourage filesharing client users to initiate downloads from editorially controlled lists of files rather than via ad hoc peer searches) that can be implemented in typical filesharing clients to make the average user’s download experience better, perhaps someday approaching the average BitTorrent user’s experience when downloading a popular file.

There’s also lots of talk about decentralizing BitTorrent. See eXeem, supposedly to be released in a few weeks. It appears that eXeem will attempt to keep BitTorrent’s beneficial characteristics by limiting files shared to those a user has obtained or created a .torrent file for — perhaps similar to a hypothetical Gnutella client that only shared files for which it had alternate sources. I don’t have high hopes for the decentralized bits of eXeem, whatever they turn out to be. It may serve as a decent standard BitTorrent client, but there’s no need for another of those, and eXeem will supposedly be riddled with spyware.